St. Francis Episcopal School
cordially invites you to attend the
Sarah W. Woolrich Fund for Faculty
Seventeenth Annual Luncheon
Tuesday, March 8, 2022 | Fine Arts Center
Lunch at 11:30 a.m. | Program
$500 for a table of 10 | $50 individual ticket
Business casual
Please reserve your ticket/table by March 2. Space is limited.
Jennifer Rosser, Chair
Huston Able ‘95 • Alexy Aviles • Christina Blackwell ’95
Dr. Carol Bedard • Linda Elder • Genna Evans • Leanne Gotcher
Stephanie Kalamaras • Alison Plumhoff • Jen Wallis • Lindsay Ward • Eleanor Young
About the Sarah W. Woolrich Fund for Faculty
Inspired teaching is often what makes the difference between a child who merely attends school and one who truly enjoys learning. It is in this spirit that St. Francis Episcopal School established the Sarah W. Woolrich Fund for Faculty. Named for our school’s remarkable first principal, the fund is designed to enhance the educational experience of our students by first expanding the horizons of our faculty.